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Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 166-187, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419876


Resumen La teoría de la mente (ToM) es la capacidad de reconocer los propios estados mentales y predecir los de otros, habilidad fundamental en el desarrollo socioemocional/cognitivo en preescolares. El presente estudio buscó describir la ToM de niños chilenos de 3 y 4 años, analizar las diferencias en su desarrollo según la edad y el rol mediador del lenguaje mentalizante (LM) materno, considerando el sexo de los niños, los modelos operantes internos (MOI) y el nivel educacional materno. La muestra fueron 110 niños con sus madres. Se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico, pruebas para evaluar la ToM, el LM y los MOI de las madres. Un 50.9% de los niños se ubicó en el quintil 1 de la ToM y ninguno logró llegar al quinto. Las habilidades de la ToM con un mayor nivel de logro diferenciaron entre pretender y realidad (60.0%) y la de diferenciar la perspectiva visual propia y de otro (50.9%). Un 59.1 % de los niños no logró inferir deseos a través de la mirada, un 83.6% no logró la habilidad de acceso al conocimiento, y un 100% no logró la falsa creencia. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre niños de distintos rangos etarios en el desarrollo de la ToM, sugiriendo una creciente dificultad de adquisición de sus habilidades. Además, un mayor LM de las madres se relacionó con mayor desarrollo de la ToM en los niños, con un rol mediador en la influencia de los MOI y nivel educacional materno sobre la ToM.

Abstract The theory of mind (ToM) is the ability to recognize one's own mental states and infer them in others, fundamental in socio-emotional/cognitive development in preschoolers. This study sought to describe the ToM of 3- and 4-year-old Chilean children, to analyze the differences in their development according to age, and the mediating role of maternal mentalizing language (ML) considering the sex of the children, the internal working models (IWM) and maternal educational level. The sample considered 110 children with their mothers. A sociodemographic questionnaire, tests to evaluate the ToM, the ML and the IWM of the mothers were applied. 50.9% of the children were in quintile 1 of the ToM and none managed to reach the fifth. The ToM skills with a higher level of achievement were differentiating between pretending and reality (60.0%) and differentiating one's own visual perspective and another's (50.9%). 59.1 % of the children did not manage to infer wishes through the gaze, 83.6% did not achieve the ability to access knowledge, and 100% did not achieve the false belief. The results show significant differences between children of different age ranges in the development of ToM, suggesting a growing difficulty in acquiring their skills. In addition, a higher ML in mothers was related to a greater development of ToM in children, with a mediating role in the influence of IWM and maternal educational level on ToM.

Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 15(2): 83-92, 20211225. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352688


Introducción: El cáncer de mama constituye la primera causa de muerte en los cánceres en Chile según Globocan 2018. Dentro de los factores que explican esta alta mortalidad encontramos una baja tasa de detección y de realización de mamografías en los niveles socioeconómicos altos. Es por esto que comprender las causas de defunción y los factores que afectan en la mortalidad y letalidad por cáncer de mama en los últimos 17 años nos permitirá enfocar las políticas públicas de los próximos 50 años. Los objetivos generales de este trabajo fueron caracterizar los egresos hospitalarios en los pacientes por cáncer de mama según la edad, el sexo, la previsión, el nivel socioeconómico y educacional en Chile durante los años 2001 al 2016 y calcular la mortalidad y letalidad específica en estas mismas variables durante los años 2001 a 2016. El objetivo específico es asociar las variables socioeconómicas y educacionales, estimando los Odd's ratios de las variables en los egresos hospitalarios por cáncer de mama en Chile durante los años 2001 al 2016. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de cohorte longitudinal retrospectivo en 81,072 egresos hospitalarios y 20,220 defunciones obtenidas de la página DEIS MINSAL, años 2001-2016. Para el análisis univariado se efectuó una regresión de ajuste de tasas Prais-weinstein según edad y sexo según modelo OMS de ajuste de tasas. Para las variables de tipo discreta se describieron mediante porcentajes y tasas y para las variables de tipo continua se utilizó mediana y desviación estándar. Se efectuó un test de smirnov-kolmolgorov para determinar el tipo de distribución y de normalidad de las muestras. Para las variables de tipo dicotómica se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística binaria para describir estas variables y determinar la posible asociación entre el nivel socioeconómico y educacional de las pacientes diagnosticadas por cáncer de mama. Resultados: Murieron 1,88 veces más personas de nivel socioeconómico alto con un IC entre 1,83- 1,94 con respecto a la población de nivel socioeconómico bajo. En cambio, las personas con un mayor nivel educacional murieron 0,5 veces menos según la regresión realizada respecto al bajo nivel educacional con un IC entre 0,47- 0,52, pero a menor nivel educacional aumentó 20 veces la mortalidad, constituyendo una causa inversa. Respecto al sexo las mujeres murieron 2,08 veces más que los hombres. Para el nivel socioeconómico alto en relación al bajo un OR [1.88 (1.83 a 1,94)], p<0,0001], para el nivel educacional alto en relación al bajo fue a favor del mayor nivel educacional con OR [0,5 (0,47 - 0,52)] y en cuanto a la comparación de sexos un OR [1,04 (1,03-2,17), p=0,039]. Es decir, la diferencia entre mortalidad que hubo fue significativa para todos los intervalos tanto para sexo, nivel educacional como para nivel socioeconómico. Se encontró una constante de 0,013 de mortalidad basal, es decir, todos tienen 1,3% de riesgo de morir por cáncer de mama independiente del nivel socioeconómico, educacional y del sexo. Conclusión: Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a la mortalidad entre los niveles socioeconómicos altos y bajos y también en nivel educacional, sin embargo, al realizar los métodos de regresión se obtuvo una mayor mortalidad y mayor riesgo de morir por cáncer de mama en los niveles socioeconómicos más altos asociados a, probablemente, la menor cantidad de tamizajes y realización de mamografías en este estrato. A partir del año 2008 se observó un incremento a los niveles originales observados al inicio del segundo milenio incrementando las diferencias existentes en los índices de desigualdad tanto por nivel educacional como por nivel socioeconómico incrementando en 20 veces respecto al nivel educacional, y 1.88 respecto al nivel socioeconómico.

Introduction: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in cancers in Chile according to Globocan 2018. Among the factors that explain this high mortality, we find a low rate of detection and performance of mammograms in high socioeconomic levels. This is why understanding the causes of death and the factors that affect mortality and fatality from breast cancer in the last 17 years will allow us to focus on public policies for the next 50 years Materials and Methods: Retrospective longitudinal cohort study in 79,996 hospital discharges and 20,220 deaths obtained from the DEIS MINSAL page, years 2001 -2016. For the univariate analysis, a Prais-Weinstein rate adjustment regression was performed according to age and sex according to the WHO rate adjustment model. For discrete type variables, they were described by percentages and rates, and median and standard deviation were used for continuous type variables. A smirnov-kolmolgorov test was performed to determine the type of distribution and normality of the samples. For dichotomous variables, a binary logistic regression model was used to describe these variables and determine the possible association between the socioeconomic and educational level of the patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Abstract: In this observational, longitudinal and retrospective study with 101.292 patients that includes men and women of all ages with diagnosis of breast cancer all along Chile, we´ll analyze the impact of socioeconomic level, evaluated through educational level and money income, into the prevalence, mortality and lethality of breast cancer in the years 2001 to 2016. Results: People with a high socioeconomic level died 1.88 times more, with a CI between 1.83 and 1.94, than those with a low socioeconomic level. On the other hand, people with a higher educational level died 0.5 times less according to the regression carried out with respect to the low educational level with a CI between 0.47 and 0.52, but the lower the educational level the mortality increased 20 times, constituting an inverse cause. Regarding sex, women died 2.08 times more than men. For the high socioeconomic level in relation to the low one an OR [1.88 (1.83 to 1.94)], p<0.0001], for the high educational level in relation to the low one it was in favor of the higher educational level with OR [0.5 (0.47 - 0.52)] and as for the comparison of sexes an OR [1.04 (1.03-2.17), p=0.039]. In other words, the difference between mortality was significant for all the intervals for sex, educational level and socioeconomic level. A constant baseline mortality of 0.013 was found, i.e., everyone has a 1.3% risk of dying from breast cancer regardless of socioeconomic level, educational level and sex. Conclusions: There are statistically significant differences in mortality between high and low socioeconomic levels and also in educational level; however, when regression methods were used, a higher mortality and higher risk of dying from breast cancer was obtained in the higher socioeconomic levels, probably associated with the lower number of screenings and mammograms performed in this stratum. As of 2008, an increase to the original levels observed at the beginning of the second millennium was observed, increasing the existing differences in the inequality indexes both by educational level and socioeconomic level, increasing by 20 times with respect to educational level, and 1.88 times with respect to socioeconomic level.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Class , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Mortality , Educational Status , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Poisson Distribution , Chile/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 20: 1-7, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400384


Existen 3 variantes de afasia progresiva primaria (APP), que se distinguen según el dominio lingüístico predominantemente alterado: no fluente, logopénica y semántica. Una herramienta que ayuda a su clasificación es el Sydney Language Battery (Sydbat), el cual no se encuentra validado en Chile. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la posible relación entre edad, años de escolaridad y rendimiento obtenido en las subpruebas del Sydbat en adultos sanos. Participaron 38 adultos sanos a losque se les aplicó el test.El promedio de edad fue 56,8 años (DE = 8,3) y tenían una media de 13,8 años de escolaridad (DE = 3,9). Todos provenían de la Región Metropolitana. Se realizaron correlaciones de Pearson y Spearman, para explorar la correlación entre el rendimiento en las subpruebas, la edad y la escolaridad. Considerando la variabilidad en el rendimiento en las subpruebas, se realizaron modelos uni y multivariados. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre edad y la subprueba comprensión (p<0,05) y los años de escolaridad con las subpruebas asociación semántica (p<0,001) y nominación (p<0,01). En personas con más de 12 años de escolaridad, el puntaje en la subprueba asociación semántica varió aproximadamente 2 puntos, con respecto a personas con menos de 12 años de escolaridad (p<0,01). Se concluye que las variaciones en el rendimiento del test, dependen la edad y la escolaridad. A mayor edad, menor es el rendimiento en la subprueba de comprensión. A mayor escolaridad, mayor es el rendimiento en las subpruebas de asociación semántica y nominación. El efecto mencionado debe ser considerado en el proceso de validación de Sydbat.

There are 3 variants of primary progressive aphasia (APP), which are distinguished according to the predominantly altered linguistic domain: non-fluent, logopenic, and semantic. A tool that helps in its classification is the Sydney Language Battery (Sydbat), which is not validated in Chile. The objective of this work is to analyze the possible relationship between age, years of schooling and performance obtained in the Sydbat subtests in healthy adults. 38 healthy adults participated in the test. The average age was 56.8 years (SD = 8.3) and they had a mean of 13.8 years of schooling (SD = 3.9). They all came from the Metropolitan Region. Pearson and Spearman correlations were performed to explore the correlation between subtest performance, age, and schooling. Considering the variability in performance in the subtests, univariate and multivariate models were performed. Significant correlations were found between age and the comprehension subtest (p <0.05) and the years of schooling with the semantic association (p <0.001) and nomination (p <0.01) subtests. In participants with more than 12 years of schooling, the score in the semantic association subtest varied approximately 2 points, with respect to people with less than 12 years of schooling (p <0.01). It is concluded that the variations in test performance depend on age andeducation. The older participants are, the lower their performance on the comprehension subtest. The higher the schooling, the higher the performance on the semantic association and nomination subtests. The mentioned effect must be considered in the Sydbat validation process.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aphasia, Primary Progressive/diagnosis , Neuropsychological Tests , Aging , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Analysis of Variance , Age Factors , Educational Status , Language
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(4): 620-629, ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138597


RESUMEN Introducción: La determinación del nivel de actividad física (AF) puede realizarse a través de acelerómetro o mediante cuestionario de auto-reporte. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los niveles de AF entre un cuestionario de auto-reporte y la medición con acelerómetro de movimiento según factores sociodemográficos en la población chilena. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal que incluyó a 230 adultos chilenos participantes del proyecto Genes, Ambiente, Diabetes y Obesidad (GENADIO). Niveles de AF fueron medidos mediante el cuestionario Internacional Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) y acelerómetro de movimiento (ActiGraph). Resultados: IPAQ subestimó los niveles de AF total en comparación a la medición con acelerómetro (delta [IPAQ-Acel.]= −55,7 min/día). Según nivel educacional, se evidenció que el cuestionario IPAQ sobreestimó los niveles de AF total en personas con bajo nivel educacional (delta [IPAQ-Acel.]= 70,4 min/día), pero subestimó la AF total en personas con enseñanza media o técnico universitaria (delta [IPAQ-Acel.]= −67,9 y −135,6 min/día, respectivamente). Resultados similares fueron observados para los distintos niveles de ingreso socioeconómico (NSE). Conclusión: El cuestionario de auto-reporte IPAQ subestimó los niveles de AF total en comparación a la medición por acelerómetro; sin embargo, estas diferencias variaron según factores sociodemográficos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Determining level of physical activitY (PA) can be done with objective measurement, through accelerometer, or by subjective measurement through self-report questionnaire. The aim of this study was to compare PA measurements derived from a self-reported questionnaire and accelerometer according to sociodemographic factors in the Chilean population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which included 230 Chilean adults participating in the GENADIO study (Genes, Environment, Diabetes and Obesity). PA levels were measured through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and GT1M accelerometer (ActiTrainer, ActiGraph). Results: IPAQ questionnaire underestimated the total PA levels compared to the accelerometer measurement (delta[IPAQ-Acel.]= −55.7 min/day). According to educational level, IPAQ questionnaire overestimated PA level in people with low educational level (delta[IPAQ-Accel.]= 70.4 min/day), but underestimated total PA in people with secondary education or university technician (delta[IPAQ-Accel.]=-67.9 and-135.6 min/day, respectively). Similar results were observed for the different levels of socioeconomic income. Conclusion: The IPAQ questionnaire underestimated total PA levels compared to accelerometer; however, these differences varied according to sociodemographic factors.

Adult , Exercise , Obesity , Population , Chronic Disease , Education, Primary and Secondary , Environment , Genes
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 33: e190217, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143836


ABSTRACT Objective In the literature, there is almost no data on the relationship between autistic children's nutritional problems and their mothers' demographic and nutritional characteristics. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate whether there was a relationship between maternal features and nutritional problems in autistic children. Methods This study was conducted with the participation of 58 autistic children (6-19 years) and their mothers. Descriptive data were obtained with a general questionnaire. For the evaluation of children's nutritional status, anthropometric measurements and 24-hour dietary recall were used. Also, the Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory and ORTO-15 questionnaires were used to evaluate the meal behavior of children and orthorexia tendency of mothers, respectively. Results No significant correlation was found between the Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory scores in children of mothers with high and low orthorexia tendency. There were also no statistically significant differences between the children of mothers with high and low educational level in terms of Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory scores. Only the dietary vitamin B6 intake was significantly higher in the children of mothers with high educational level. Maternal age was associated with the dietary energy and protein intake, unlike, maternal orthorexia tendency was not associated with the nutritional status and meal behavior of children. The abdominal pain experience in the last one month was found to be significantly higher in the children of employed mothers than children of unemployed mothers. Conclusion It is thought that the maternal characteristics are not effective on meal behavior in children and also maternal age and educational status have a very limited effect on the nutritional status of children.

RESUMO Objetivo Na literatura, quase não existem dados sobre a relação entre os problemas nutricionais de crianças autistas e as características demográficas e nutricionais de suas mães. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se havia relação entre características maternas e problemas nutricionais em crianças autistas. Métodos Este estudo foi realizado com a participação de 58 crianças autistas (6-19 anos) e suas mães. Os dados descritivos foram obtidos em questionário geral. Para a avaliação do estado nutricional das crianças, medidas antropométricas e rec24h foram utilizados. Além disso, os questionários Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory e ORTO-15 foram utilizados para avaliar o comportamento alimentar das crianças e a tendência à ortorexia das mães, respectivamente. Resultados Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre os escores do Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory nos filhos de mães com alta e baixa tendência à ortorexia. Também não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os filhos de mães com nível educacional alto e baixo em termos de pontuação no Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory. Somente a ingestão alimentar de vitamina B6 foi significativamente maior nos filhos de mães com alto nível educacional. A idade materna foi associada à ingestão energética e proteica, diferentemente da tendência à ortorexia materna, não associada ao estado nutricional e ao comportamento das refeições. A experiência de dor abdominal no último mês foi significativamente maior nos filhos de mães que trabalham do que nos filhos de mães que não trabalham. Conclusão Acredita-se que as características maternas não influenciam o comportamento alimentar das crianças e também que a idade e o estado educacional da mãe têm um efeito muito limitado no estado nutricional das crianças.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Autistic Disorder , Educational Status , Maternal Nutrition , Meals
Trends Psychol ; 25(3): 1411-1426, jul.-set. 2017. tab, Ilus
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-904500


This article reports the experience of treating low-income patients with a primary diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the start of the project for outpatient treatment, which included the application of a cognitive model for GAD treatment, we observed that the majority of patients presented low educational level, which made it hard for them to understand key aspects of the cognitive-behavioral based treatment offered. Therefore, important adaptations to the treatment protocol were made necessary, including the way techniques were presented and applied, the therapeutic approach used, and even the duration of sessions. Since variations of cognitive therapy are increasingly being applied in hospital outpatient clinics in countries worldwide, the objective of this article is to present the adaptations performed and promote a discussion on the possible solutions for the difficulties faced in applying clinical psychology practice among patients with low educational and socioeconomic levels. This is a clinical study presenting an illustrative case, where adaptations to the treatment protocol were essential for the positive outcome of the case. It is concluded that, with the scope of treatment in mind, the therapist must be attentive to the client's demands and particularities in order to achieve therapeutic success.

Este artigo relata a experiência de tratamento de pacientes de baixa renda com diagnóstico primário de transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (TAG) em hospital público no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A ideia inicial do projeto era tratamento ambulatorial, com aplicação de um modelo cognitivo para o tratamento de TAG; porém, observamos que a maioria dos pacientes apresentou baixo nível educacional, o que tornava difícil sua compreensão dos principais aspectos do tratamento cognitivo-comportamental oferecido. Assim, foram feitas adaptações no protocolo de tratamento, incluindo a forma como as técnicas foram apresentadas e aplicadas, a abordagem terapêutica utilizada e a duração das sessões. Considerando que variações de terapias cognitivas são cada vez mais aplicadas em ambulatórios hospitalares em todo o mundo, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as adaptações realizadas e discutir possíveis soluções para as dificuldades enfrentadas na prática clínica com pacientes com baixo nível educacional e socioeconômico. Trata-se de um estudo clínico, com apresentação de um caso ilustrativo. Os resultados obtidos foram positivos e mostraram que as adaptações no protocolo foram essenciais para o sucesso terapêutico. Conclui-se que, tendo em mente o escopo do tratamento, o terapeuta deve estar atento às demandas e particularidades do cliente a fim de obter sucesso terapêutico.

Este artículo reporta la experiencia del tratamiento de pacientes de bajos recursos con diagnóstico primario de Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada (TAG) en hospitales públicos de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. La idea original era el tratamiento ambulatorio con aplicación de un modelo cognitivo para el TAG. No obstante, el bajo nivel educativo presentado por la mayoría de los pacientes hace que les resulte difícil la comprensión de los principales aspectos del tratamiento cognitivo-conductual ofrecido. Adaptaciones fueron entonces realizadas en el protocolo de tratamiento, incluyendo cómo las técnicas fueron introducidas y aplicadas, el enfoque terapéutico utilizado y la duración de las sesiones. Dado que variantes de la terapia cognitiva son cada vez más aplicadas en la atención ambulatoria hospitalaria de todo el mundo, el objetivo de este artículo es presentar las adaptaciones realizadas y analizar posibles soluciones a las dificultades encontradas en la práctica de la psicología clínica con pacientes con bajo nivel educativo y socioeconómico, a partir de un caso ilustrativo. Los resultados obtenidos, positivos, indican que las adaptaciones realizadas fueron fundamentales para el éxito de la terapia. Podemos concluir que el terapeuta debe estar atento a las demandas y particularidad del cliente a fin de que la terapia sea exitosa.

Humans , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders , Poverty , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 12(3): 364-373, jul.-set. 2013.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-685991


Introduction: overweight and obesity are escalating health problems in both developed and developing countries. Objective: to verify whether overweight/obesity is related to socioeconomic status among primary school children in Aden Governorate, Yemen. Methods: a cross-sectional study was performed on 1885 students, 6-16 years old, during 2009, selected by using multistage stratified random sampling technique. Body weight and height were measured directly; percentiles were identified for body mass index, based on the new World Health Organization growth reference standards, 2007. A survey to the parents was applied to establish the socioeconomic status through the variables: type of school, family income per capita and educational level of parents. Results: the prevalence of wasted was 10.1%, normal-weight 69.2%, overweight 12.7%, and obese 8.0%. There were statistically significant relationships between overweight/obesity and private school and high family income per capita. The prevalence of overweight/obesity was higher in children with high educational level of parents. Conclusions: overweight/obesity in primary school children from Aden Governorate, Yemen is related to private school, high family income per capita and probably also to high educational level of parents. More research is needed on the influence of socioeconomic factors in children obesity in the country, which is essential to set up effective prevention policies.

Introducción: el sobrepeso y la obesidad son problemas de salud pública en ascenso en países desarrollados y subdesarrollados. Objetivo: verificar si hay relación entre sobrepeso/obesidad y el nivel socioeconómico en niños de enseñanza primaria, provincia de Adén, Yemen. Sujetos y métodos: se realizó un estudio de corte transversal durante el 2009, en 1885 estudiantes de 6-16 años, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio estratificado politietápico. Se midió el peso corporal y la estatura; se identificaron los percentiles para el índice de masa corporal, según los nuevos estándares de referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2007. Se aplicó una encuesta a los padres para evaluar el nivel socioeconómico que incluyó: tipo de enseñanza, ingreso familiar per cápita y nivel educacional de los padres. Resultados: la prevalencia de desnutrición fue de 10.1%, de peso normal 69.2%, de sobrepeso 12.7%, y de obesidad 8.0%. Se obtuvo relación estadísticamente significativa entre sobrepeso/obesidad y la enseñanza privada y el alto nivel de ingreso familiar per cápita. La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad fue superior en niños con padres de un alto nivel educacional. Conclusiones: el sobrepeso/obesidad en los niños de enseñanza primaria de la provincia de Adén, Yemen, se relaciona con la enseñanza privada, el alto ingreso familiar per cápita y probablemente también con el alto nivel educacional de los padres, Es necesario realizar más investigaciones sobre la influencia de factores socioeconómicos sobre la obesidad en el país, lo cual es esencial para establecer políticas de prevención efectivas.

Invest. clín ; 54(1): 20-33, mar. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-740333


The purpose of this research was to investigate how the knowledge and attitudes have influence in Cervical Cancer (CC) screening among Venezuelan women, by realizing a cross-sectional descriptive study based on a structured non disguised questionnaire with closed ended questions: yes/no questions and multiple choices. The survey was performed on 691 volunteers, of which 595 were analyzed. Each patient was asked to fill in the questionnaire. Four hundred ninety three of 522 (94.4%) answered that they knew that Pap smear is for screening CC. Knowledge of Pap smear was statistically significant when it was compared to high educational level (p<0.0001) although 185 (76%) of 244 low educational level interviewees answered that they had the knowledge that the Pap smear is used for screening of CC. Four hundred four of 504 (84.7%; p<0.001) mentioned that they had a Pap smear at least once. One hundred ninety two (38.1%) of 504 women were adherent to an annual Pap smear test and more than half of the women (n=337, 67%) had the last Pap smear in the last 1-3 years. Women with a high educational level showed higher adherence to the annual Pap smear screening (68.2%). Two hundred fifty seven (87.4%) of 294 said that they remembered when they got the information about Pap smear. The conclusions of this investigation were that our women were aware about Pap smear, had a good attitude to have a Pap smear and to be adherent to a regularly performed screening.

El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar como el conocimiento y las actitudes que poseen las mujeres venezolanas son elementos que influencian la pesquisa del Cáncer del Cuello Uterino (CCU). La investigación consistió en un estudio descriptivo transversal basado en un cuestionario estructurado no disfrazado con preguntas cerradas, usando respuestas si/no y múltiple escogencia. Se entrevistaron 691 mujeres; 595 fueron analizadas. Cada paciente llenó el cuestionario. Cuatrocientos noventa y tres de 522 (94,4%) respondieron que sabía que la citología cervico-vaginal (CCV) es para la pesquisa del CCU. El conocimiento sobre la utilidad de la CCV fue estadísticamente significativo cuando se comparó el nivel educacional de las entrevistadas (p<0,0001), sin embargo, 185 (76%) de 244 mujeres con bajo nivel educacional respondieron que ellas tenían el conocimiento sobre la utilidad de la CCV en la pesquisa del CCU. Cuatrocientos cuatro de 595 (84,7%; p<0,001) mencionaron que ellas se había realizado al menos una CCV. Ciento noventa y dos de 504 entrevistadas (38,1%) se realizaban una CCV anual y más de la mitad (n=337, 67%) de ellas se practicaban la CCV entre 1-3 años. Las mujeres con un nivel educacional elevado fueron más inclinadas a realizarse su CCV anual (68,2%). Doscientos cincuenta y siete (87,4%) de 294 entrevistadas mencionaron que ellas recordaban cuando se enteraron de la utilidad de la CCV. Las conclusiones de esta investigación fueron que nuestras mujeres están concientes de la utilidad de la CCV, tienen una buena actitud a realizársela, así mismo de practicársela regularmente.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Early Detection of Cancer/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Papanicolaou Test , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Vaginal Smears/psychology , Attitude to Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Educational Status , Early Detection of Cancer , Guideline Adherence , Health Care Surveys , Health Promotion , Information Dissemination , Marital Status/statistics & numerical data , Parity , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Urban Population , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/epidemiology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/psychology , Vaginal Smears , Venezuela/epidemiology
Dement. neuropsychol ; 4(4)dez. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-570182


To investigate the possible association between educational level and previous professional occupation, and objective cognitive and functional evaluation in a sample of elderly patients with Alzheimers disease. Methods: Through retrospective analysis of medical files, 174 patients with probable Alzheimer disease were randomly selected, classified and submitted to analysis according to previous professional occupation and years of formal education. Results: Subjects with lower education and less intellectually-demanding occupations performed worse than higher educated subjects in all cognitive subtests and on the functional scale. Conclusions: Results indicate that not only the total years of education, but also professional occupation has an impact on cognition and functioning in accordance with the hypothesis of cognitive reserve. Our findings confirmed this hypothesis, where subjects with higher education/ higher intellectual demand manifested first symptoms later than low education/ low intellectual demand subjects, with the latter group also exhibiting faster disease progression.

Analisar as possíveis correlações entre nível educacional e atividade profissional prévia, com dados objetivos de avaliação cognitiva e funcional em uma amostra de idosos com doença de Alzheimer. Métodos: A partir de análise retrospectiva de prontuário médico foram selecionados aleatoriamente 174 pacientes com provável doença de Alzheimer que foram subdivididos e submetidos a análise conforme sua atividade profissional prévia e nível de escolaridade alcançado formalmente, calculado em anos. Resultados: Em praticamente todos os subtestes cognitivos, além de escala funcional, os participantes do grupo menos escolarizado e profissionais de áreas consideradas menos complexas em relação a demanda intelectual, saíram-se pior quando comparados com grupo mais escolarizados. Conclusões: Não apenas o total acumulado de anos formais concluídos, mas também a atividade profissional previamente exercida parece ter resultado sobre a cognição e funcionalidade à medida que evolui a doença crônico degenerativa, favorecendo assim o conceito de reserva intelectual. Por esta hipótese espera-se retardo no início dos sintomas da doença em pessoas com alta escolaridade/ alta demanda intelectual e, por outro lado, a baixa escolaridade/ baixa demanda intelectual profissional podem estar associadas a início precoce e progressão mais rápida, tanto do ponto de vista cognitivo como funcional.

Humans , Alzheimer Disease , Cognition , Education , Health Evaluation , Work
Dement. neuropsychol ; 4(2)jun. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-549802


Cognitive performance among illiterates and low educational levels is poorer than that observed in individuals with greater schooling. This difference can be a confounding factor in reaching an accurate diagnosis of cognitive impairment. In addition, there is great heterogeneity in performance among illiterates, probably due to different environmental demands and sociocultural backgrounds. Many reports have described the influence of education on neuropsychological measures and screening tests such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Objectives: To analyze performance in two samples with the same educational level, but different social and cultural backgrounds. Methods: Subjects from two different locations in Brazil (rural sample from Northern region and urban sample residing in the largest city of the Southeastern region) were matched for age and education, and submitted to the MMSE. Results: Significant differences between the groups were found in total scores on the MMSE and in temporal orientation and serial-sevens sub-items for which the urban sample performed best but analysis of illiterates alone yielded the same results, except for the copying pentagons task which was performed better by the rural sample. Conclusions: Cultural and social backgrounds, as well as demands from the environment, influence results of screening tests. Factors other than education must be taken into account when analyzing tests.

O desempenho cognitivo entre iletrados e indivíduos com baixos níveis de escolaridade é pior do que observado entre indivíduos bem escolarizados. Esta diferença pode ser um fator de confusão quando um diagnóstico preciso de comprometimento cognitivo se faz necessário. Além disto, há uma grande heterogeneidade no desempenho destas pessoas, provavelmente devido a diferentes demandas ambientais, e base sociocultural. Muitos estudos tem descrito a influência educacional em medidas neuropsicológicas, bem como em testes de rastreio, como o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Objetivos: Analisar o desempenho de duas amostras de mesmo nível educacional e diferentes bases sociais e culturais. Métodos: Indivíduos de dois locais no Brasil foram submetidos ao MEEM, pareados por idade e escolaridade. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa entre as amostras quanto ao escore total e sub-itens de orientação temporal e sete-seriados, com melhor desempenho para a amostra urbana, mas quando analisados somente os analfabetos, os mesmos resultados foram observados, exceto para a cópia dos pentágonos, onde a população rural teve desempenho melhor. Conclusões: A base social e cultural além das demandas do meio ambiente influenciam nos testes de rastreio. Outros fatores, além da educação, devem ser revistos quando analisarmos os testes.

Humans , Educational Status , Mental Health , Neuropsychological Tests , Rural Population , Urban Population
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 81(3): 228-233, jun. 2010. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-563805


Background: In the study of the factors that affect infant mortality the interaction of variables has been poorly explored. Objective: Exemplify a method to assess interaction between two variables associated to infant mortality (maternal and paternal educational level). Materials and Methods: Based on data published in the Demography Yearbook (2007), infant mortality rate (IMR) was calculated for 9 combinations of maternal and paternal years of schooling (0-9, 10-12 y 13 + years) and the IMR ratio between combinations. Interaction was evaluated by comparing the sum of the attributable risk of discordant combinations (0-9 years of schooling mother and 13+ years of schooling father, and vice versa) versus the combination (13+years of schooling mother and father). Results: IMR of the combination (0-9 years of schooling mother and father) was 2.7 fold the combination (13+ years of schooling mother and father), being also greater than the sum of the attributable risk of the discordant combinations. Conclusion: The existence of a synergic interaction in additive scale between maternal and paternal education level was demonstrated. Identifying the presence of interactions leads to a focalized implementation of sanitary policies, raising their effectiveness.

Antecedentes: En el estudio de los factores condicionantes de mortalidad infantil la interacción de variables constituye un fenómeno poco explorado. Objetivo: Ejemplificar una forma de abordaje del fenómeno de interacción entre dos variables asociadas a mortalidad infantil (nivel educacional materno y paterno). Material y Métodos: En base a los datos publicados en el Anuario de Demografía (2007) se calculó la tasa de mortalidad infantil (TMI) para 9 combinaciones de años de estudios aprobados (AEA) de la madre y del padre (0-9, 10-12 y 13 + años), y la razón de TMI entre las combinaciones. La evaluación de interacción se realizó comparando la suma del riesgo atribuible de las combinaciones discordantes (0-9 AEA madre y 13+AEA padre, y viceversa) versus la combinación (13+AEAmadre y padre). Resultados: La TMI de la combinación (0-9 AEA madre y padre) fue 2,7 veces mayor a la combinación (13+AEA madre y padre); siendo también mayor la suma del riesgo atribuible de las combinaciones discordantes. Conclusión: Se demostró la existencia de una interacción en escala aditiva de tipo sinérgico entre el nivel educacional materno y paterno. Identificar la presencia de interacciones permite focalizar políticas sanitarias, aumentando su efectividad.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Infant Mortality , Parents , Chile/epidemiology , Educational Status , Infant Mortality , Risk Assessment , Vital Statistics
Dement. neuropsychol ; 4(1): 35-41, mar. 2010. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-542650


The increase in life expectancy can influence the prevalence of dementias in the population. Instruments that evaluate cognitive functions such as the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) are necessary for the investigation of dementia. The supposition that patient score on the MMSE can be influenced by academic level points to the need for establishing cut-off values that take into account educational level. The aim of this study was to review MMSE cut-off values adjusted for schooling in a large southern Brazilian sample. Method: Demographic data and MMSE scores of 968 subjects, of which 162 were dementia patients and 806 healthy participants, were analyzed. The sample was grouped according to education. The cut-off values were established by ROC Curve analysis. Results: The total sample mean age was 70.6±7.3 years, and the mean years of education was 7.2±5.3. The cut-off score of 23 points (sensitivity=86%, specificity=83%) was observed as the optimal level to detect dementia on the MMSE instrument for the overall sample. Regarding level of schooling, the cut-off values were: 21 for the illiterate group (sensitivity=93%, specificity=82%), 22 for the low education group (sensitivity=87%, specificity=82%), 23 for the middle education group (sensitivity=86%, specificity=87%) and 24 for the high education group (sensitivity=81%, specificity=87%). Conclusions: The cut-off values revealed by this analysis, and adjusted for level of schooling, can improve the clinical evaluation of cognitive deficits.

A elevação da expectativa de vida pode influenciar na prevalência das demências na população. Instrumentos que avaliem as funções cognitivas, como o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), são necessários para a investigação de demência. A suposição de que o resultado do MEEM de um paciente pode ser influenciado pelo nível de escolaridade demonstra a necessidade do estabelecimento de pontos de corte que levem em consideração a escolaridade. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar os pontos de corte do MEEM ajustados para a escolaridade em uma grande amostra do sul do Brasil. Método: Dados demográficos e escores do MEEM de 968 indivíduos, 162 pacientes com demência e 806 participantes saudáveis foram analisados. A amostra foi agrupada de acordo com a educação. Para estabelecer os pontos de corte foi utilizada a Curva ROC. Resultados: A média de idade da amostra total foi 70,6±7,3 e a média de anos de estudo foi 7,2±5,3. O ponto de corte 23 (sensibilidade=86%), (especificidade=83%) foi o ponto que melhor detectou demência na amostra total. Considerando o nível de escolaridade, os pontos de corte foram: 21 no grupo de analfabetos (sensibilidade=93%, especificidade=82%), 22 no grupo de baixa escolaridade (sensibilidade=87%, especificidade=82%), 23 no grupo de média escolaridade (sensibilidade=86%, especificidade=87%) e 24 no grupo de alta escolaridade (sensibilidade=81%, especificidade=87%). Conclusões: Os pontos de corte, quando se considera a escolaridade, podem aperfeiçoar a avaliação clínica dos déficits cognitivos.

Humans , Cognition , Educational Status , Mental Status and Dementia Tests